
桦甸福格勒超级 1880 Li沥青摊铺机HD-31167系列

桦甸福格勒超级 1880 Li沥青摊铺机HD-31167系列

福格勒超级 1880 Li 沥青摊铺机具有以下优点:1. 高效节能:该摊铺机采用了电动驱动和锂电池供电,相比传统的燃油驱动摊铺机,具有更高的能源利用率和节能效果。2. 高精度控制:摊铺机配备了先进的控制系统,可以实现精确的摊铺高度和宽度控制,确保道路摊铺的精度和质量。3. 低噪音和零排放:电动驱动和无燃料燃烧使得该摊铺机在工作时产生的噪音和排放物减少到最低限度,减少了对环境的影响。4. 操作简便:该摊铺机的控制面板设计简洁直观,操作便捷。同时,摊铺机配备了高度可调的驾驶室,使得操作人员可以得到良好的视野和舒适的工作环境。5. 可靠性和耐用性:福格勒作为优秀的建筑设备制造商之一,其产品具有高质量和可靠性。1880 Li 沥青摊铺机拥有强大的承载能力和耐用的结构设计,可以在恶劣的工作环境下长时间运行。总的来说,福格勒超级 1880 Li 沥青摊铺机具有高效节能、高精度控制、低噪音零排放、操作简便以及可靠耐用等优点,是道路施工领域的理想选择。

The VÖGELE SUPER 1880 Li asphalt paver offers the following advantages: 1. Energy-efficient: the paver is powered by an electric drive and lithium batteries, providing higher energy efficiency and energy savings than conventional fuel-driven pavers. 2. Highly precise control: the paver is equipped with a state-of-the-art control system that allows precise control of paving heights and widths, ensuring the precision and quality of the road paving. 3. Low Noise and Zero Emission: The electric drive and fuel-free combustion minimize the noise and emission generated by the paver while working, thus reducing the impact on the environment.4 Easy Operation: The paver's control panel is designed to be simple, intuitive and easy to operate. Meanwhile, the paver is equipped with a height-adjustable cab, which allows the operator to get a good view and a comfortable working environment. 5. Reliability and durability: VÖGELE, as one of the excellent construction equipment manufacturers, offers high-quality and reliable products. 1880 Li asphalt paver has a strong load-bearing capacity and durable structural design, which allows it to operate for a long time in harsh working environments. Overall, the VÖGELE SUPER 1880 Li asphalt paver is the ideal choice for the road construction sector because of its high energy efficiency, high-precision control, low noise and zero emissions, ease of operation and reliability.

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